Found Friday

Mississippi Yard Sale Finds + Found Friday Week 10

Last weekend, the Skidmore girls took a quick trip to Mississippi to visit my grandparents!

They live about 4 hours away-in the middle of no where, which is exactly how we like it. The closest Walmart is about 30 minutes away if that says anything. About 20 years back, my grandparents built a house on a good bit of acreage with rolling hills that overlooks the prettiest pond.

Those mini people on the boat are me & Elijah. Nana took this picture from the back porch on his first trip to visit.

I remember telling Elijah about how beautiful their land was and taking him there to visit for the first time. He kept saying, “I didn’t realize it was this awesome.” For a man who likes to bass fish, it’s kind of the dream! (& for a girl who likes to sit on a boat without cell service and read, it’s her dream too!)

They still have my mom’s Jeep Wrangler from college, which Elijah & I love to take on spins when we visit.

The only claim to fame their town has to offer is Nana’s cooking. They don’t even have their own traffic light. However, in between their house and Oxford is a little gem-of-a-town, New Albany, Mississippi.

Picture a real life Stars Hollow.

My sisters and I have fallen in love with it. Over the years, it’s quickly become one of our favorite places to visit and shop. It’s about a 30 minute drive from their house.

I should have snapped more pictures of the shops, but I just snapped a few in their dreamy home decor store, Moda Designs. Their main street is lined with clothing shops, home & gift shops, the sweetest bakery, and antique stores.

When we got to their house on Saturday, we headed straight to New Albany to pre-shop for some Christmas gifts! On our way there, (keep in mind we are in the middle of no-where) we spotted a yard sale sign…

Since we knew the New Albany shops were closing soon, we remained disciplined and passed up the first sign. Two minutes later, we came across another. And spotted another. Finally, we broke. I mean, how can you pass up three signs? Well, turns out they were having a community yard sale. What are the odds?!

I’m sure glad we stopped because we collected some fun things. Even Nana left with a a little $1 treasure! Here are some of the finds I left with for the house! Some new classic white pieces for the kitchen…

& of course, more candle sticks! I especially love that chunky turned wood one..

I was excited about this one…a star for our Christmas Tree.

Even though it’s still a year away, I’ve been dreaming a lot lately of Elijah and I’s first Christmas together. I’m already dreaming about the way our first Christmas tree will look in our little living room. Isn’t it wonderful that there’s always something to look forward to in life?

Some Mississippi pottery! I thought the color of this crock was fun.

Lastly, this pair of glass candlesticks. Not sure where I will use these, but I thought they were pretty…

I shared more of my Mississippi finds with you in this week’s Found Friday collection below!

I also had a good thrifting week here in the Boro & picked up this game of horseshoes at Goodwill for $5! I thought it would be fun to keep in the backyard!

At a yard sale, I picked up this wicker laundry hamper to use as a planter on the back wall of our house once we paint it black! I also picked up this little ladder for $2.

My favorite find in Murfreesboro may have been my $2 vintage tackle box. I love the color & I may clean it up to keep art supplies organized in my studio!

Lastly, I picked up this mirror for $5! I’m wanting to paint it, but I loved the shape.

Our house is currently a conglomeration of fun, random items. However, I don’t have anything placed where it will actually land, so I’m excited to start curating a more cohesive look and making sense of the beautiful chaos. That’ll come soon. Gotta take this house one step at a time!

Found Friday Week 10

I can’t believe it’s already Week TEN of Found Friday! Like I said earlier, since I didn’t have room for all of the Mississippi finds, I picked up a few extra things to share with you!

  1. Copper Tea Kettle with Blue and White Hanger
  2. Mini Copper Pot
  3. Pair of Stoneware Candlesticks
  4. Pair of Brass Sconces
  5. Pair of Copper Kitchen Molds

Visit the Fernway Home Etsy shop here to shop this week’s finds!

As always, thank you for taking the time to read our blog! Happy weekend!

Daisy Sue

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