Found Friday / Kids With A House

New Curtains + Found Friday Week 19

Happy Friday everyone!

Last night, we spent some time at Elijah’s house cleaning out his bedroom. I woke up and started doing the same to my room this morning, and drove a few things to the house today. Since neither of us ever left home for college, we’ve never truly had to clean out. We’ve learned there are few things more nostalgic than cleaning out the rooms you grew up in. Sorting through stacks of favorite t-shirts, reading old letters from friends, laughing at the oddly nostalgic things you find hard to part with…slowly assembling a keep pile and a Goodwill pile.

We’ve also learned new things about one another through the cleaning out process: Elijah likes to keep the boxes of the things he’s bought & I keep every letter I’ve ever been given. No joke, we found his first iPhone box in his closet & I found letters from first grade. I’m sure you can learn a lot about a person from the things they keep?

Anyways, it’s getting so real. Now that we bought a bed for the house & found curtains, it’s move-in time for Elijah!

We got our curtains from Amazon here. Since our bedroom is on the corner of one of Murfreesboro’s most traveled streets, blackout curtains were a must! I started off by ordering a single panel. When it came in, Elijah, Lila Mae, and I held a “test run” at the house. One person stayed in the car outside the window with the car’s brights on, while the others were inside the house moving every which way to make sure you couldn’t see through. We kept running in and out of the house, switching spots, it was quite the hilarious ordeal. We made a fun time out of it.

The curtains ended up passing the test! I ordered 3 more panels of the color, Birch.

We got our curtain rods from Target here, the French Pipe Drapery Rods. We loved the industrial look of them.

We’re so excited about finally having curtains in the house!

Two random side notes to fully document the past week:

  1. Before cleaning out Elijah’s room last night, we ran to Nashville on a search for dinnerware and silverware. Pottery Barn was our first stop, where we *very loudly* knocked over two displays of silverware, and ended up finding plates that we loved! We also ended up surprising Anna Belle on Lipscomb’s campus which made the night even more fun.
  2. AND, on Tuesday morning, we went and sat on my family’s front porch swing- the same place we sat many-a-times after Oakland football games in high school. It came full circle as we booked our honeymoon in the same spot. We. Are. So. Excited.

These are the days in life we get way too excited about curtains & plates & stuff. Thanks for joining us along our small joys. Hope your weekend is filled with joy!

Found Friday Week 19

Here’s this week’s Found Friday Collection!

You can visit the shop here. Don’t forget, if you’re local to Murfreesboro, use coupon code LOCAL to save on shipping and porch pickup!

With so much happening around the corner, next week will be the last Found Friday for a while! I’ve so enjoyed doing these but, twenty seemed like a great number to end on for now. Hope you’ve enjoyed them! It’s not too late to visit the shop, there are a few things left from the past week’s!

As always, thanks for stopping by,

Daisy Sue

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