I’ve compiled a list of 15 creative spiritual goal ideas to get your new year off to a good start. I thought it would be fun see the different, creative ways people are pursuing the Lord this year. While these aren’t written as actual goals, I intended to write them as ideas so you could form them into goals that worked for you! I asked my friends on Instagram, and received some great ideas. Hope you find these helpful in your walk!

1. Read through the Old Testament, New Testament, or entire Bible.
Print off a schedule so you can scratch off each reading. This year, I’m utilizing The Bible Recap resources.
2. Read through the Gospel in 3 months.
3. Keep a thankful journal.
Set a goal of 10 things every day, no repeats!
4. Journal your prayers.
Treat it like a diary or a letter to your best friend. Bring the little and big things to God here. Go back and highlight the prayers He’s answered.
5. Go on a secular music fast.
Begin with one week of only listening to Christian music.
6. Instead of listening to music in the car, use that time to pray.
7. Fill your home with scripture.
Try framing or taping a verse in every room of your house. Write them down and tape them to your kitchen sink mirror, your bathroom mirror, above the shower, on your car dashboard, etc.
8. Dedicate daily tasks to talking to the Lord.
Example: Making your bed in the morning & using that time to pray.
9. Attend church regularly & deepen your church community.
Try finding a Sunday morning class to get involved in or a ministry to volunteer with.
10. Try a 40 day fast.
Fast from social media, desserts, coffee, etc.
11. Go on prayer walks.
12. Use your workouts as worship.
Listen to worship music while you run or go to the gym. Dedicate part of the workout to listening to the Lord.
13. Set up regular coffee dates with a good friend & commit to to confessing your sins & praying over them.
14. Create scripture cards to take with you everywhere you go.
Pick a topic you want to focus on (rest, healing, joy, etc.) & write verses on index cards to carry in your purse.
15. Write at least one encouraging letter each month to a different friend.

I hope you find these creative spiritual goal ideas helpful! If you can think of any more, please feel free to share them in the comments and encourage others.

Thanks for reading!

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