The first wooden blanket ladder came along when we needed a way to display tea towels at shows. Now it’s grown into a product and something Daisy uses to style all the time. Hope you enjoy!
DIY Wooden Blanket Ladder Supplies

- (3) 1x2x8 Poplar Boards
- Wood Glue
- 18 Gauge Brad Nailer
- Tape Measure
- Miter Saw (You can also you a circular saw or handsaw.)
- Pencil
- 1.5 in. 18 Gauge Brad Nails
- Stain ( We use Minwax Early American.)
- Staining cloth (We use old T-shirts.)

DIY Blanket Ladder Steps

- First, take one of your 1x2x8 poplar boards and measure out to 6ft and make your mark. Repeat this process on your second 1x2x8. Now, cut both your boards at your marks.

2. Next, take your two boards cut at 6ft and place them up against each other flush at the ends, and make a mark on both boards every 12 inches. There will be marks at 12, 24, 36, 48, and 60in.

3. Take your third board that you haven’t cut yet and measure out to 17.75 in. and leave a mark. Cut the board on your mark.

4. Next, use the 17.75 in. piece you just cut and use it to make 17.75 in. mark and make your cut. Repeat this until you have five 17.75 in. pieces.
5. Now we are going to use the jig to put the ladder together. The jig is made of 2 pieces of 3/8 in. plywood (6ft in length) on top of each other with a slight lip for a board to sit in. You can attach these to a 2×4 to give you clearance off the ground for your brad nailer.
6. Take one of your 17.75 in. pieces and add wood glue to the end. Then place one of your 6ft pieces on the jig and center your short rung on your mark and nail it with two 1.5 in. brad nails. Continue this down the line until all five rungs are nailed in.

7. Take some scrap wood and place it next to your jig so the side of the ladder that’s already nailed in can have something to rest on while the other side is being nailed in.

8. Take your other 6ft long side piece and flip it to where you can see the marks you made, and place glue on the center of each mark.

9. Flip the board up into the jig so that the glue is sticking to the ends of the rugs. Then take your brad nailer and nail each rung into place.

10. Now you should have a complete ladder. Let it sit for 1 hour for the glue to harden.

11. Pull out your favorite stain and stain the ladder using even strokes.

12. Find your favorite blanket and style up a room with your new DIY Wooden Blanket Ladder.
If you enjoyed this tutorial, check out my last blog post, How to Make a Wood Lantern!
Hope you enjoy,
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